Midwives at Musgrove Park are appealing to parents with children who were born at the hospital’s Bracken birth centre in July 2008 to get in touch and be part of its 10th birthday celebrations.
A party will be held at the hospital to celebrate Bracken, as well as its sister birthing centre at Bridgwater Hospital – called Mary Stanley Unit, and Musgrove’s home birth team.
It takes place on Sunday 22 July, from 2pm – 5pm, at Musgrove Park Hospital’s Jubilee Concourse lawn (next to M&S).
All members of the public are welcome to attend this family-friendly party, which will have music, food, health promotion stands and games.
The midwifery team will also launch its vision for the future of the birth centre and the ‘Grow Bracken’ fundraising campaign in an effort to raise money to improve Bracken’s environment and facilities.
Sally Bryant, maternity matron at Musgrove Park Hospital, said: “Last year there were almost 550 births at Bracken Birth Centre, and about half of these women gave birth in our fabulous pool, but we know many more women would have liked this option had it been available to them. “As part of our 10 th birthday celebrations and future fundraising events we are aiming to raise at least £200,000 to buy another two birth pools and refurbish much of the centre.”
“If you’re able to help, we would love to hear from you. Please contact our fundraising team on fundraising@tst.nhs.uk. “We look forward to sharing Bracken’s 10th birthday with you, so please come join the celebrations.”