The Mayor of Taunton Deane, Councillor Hazel Prior-Sankey, has received a cheque for £1,440 in aid of her nominated charities.
The money was raised from the Springtime Charity Concert in St James’ Church, Taunton, organised by the Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir. The popular annual event also featured the Launceston Male Voice Choir and soloist Mary Morgan.

All the money raised will be split between the Mayor’s charities – Hestercombe Gardens Trust and Stand Against Violence.
Cllr Hazel Prior-Sankey said: “The event was a resounding success attended by hundreds of delighted people. We enjoyed a variety of performers who combined to make the evening very special indeed. I am grateful to the Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir for all their hard work in organising the event and to everyone who contributed to the wonderful sum for my chosen charities.”