The Headmaster of King’s College Taunton, Mr Richard Biggs, has launched a new essay writing competition which is open to any students in Years 7 and 8 in the academic year 2018/19.
Candidates are invited to submit, either electronically or as a hard copy, an essay of 1500 words on a topic chosen each year by Mr Biggs.
A panel of judges, consisting of the Headmaster, the Scholars’ Tutor, the Academic Deputy Head and a Head of Department will assess the submitted essays.
All candidates will receive a certificate and a written appraisal of their submissions.
Three prizes will be awarded each year: One first prize and two runners-up. Further highly commended awards will be made. All candidates will be invited to an award ceremony at King’s
College. The first prize will be £200. The two runners-up will receive £100 each. The best essays will be published on the King’s College website.
The title of this year’s essay is A Cabinet of Curiosities. You are invited to choose between three and five items that you would choose to put on display in a glass case in a museum.
In your essay you will describe each object and explain what story it tells and why it is of particular interest to you. Explain why you think it is important for other people to see the object and what
they will learn from it. Why might the object be of interest to future generations?
The judges will be looking for evidence of creative and original thinking, an ability to recognise the importance of objects as historical sources, skills of analysis and evaluation, and a willingness to go beyond the school curriculum.
Essay structure, clarity of expression and correct and effective use of language will all be taken into account. Essays should be submitted as attachments by email to or as hard copies to The Headmaster, King’s College, South Road, Taunton, TA1 3LA.
The deadline for submission of the essays is 5 November 2018. The award ceremony will be on the evening of Friday 30 November 2018.
All submissions must be accompanied by a note from the candidate’s parent, guardian or current school confirming that the essay is the work of the candidate, and giving contact details for further correspondence (this could be the candidate’s current school).
The competition is open to Year 7 and 8 students in any school in the UK or abroad.
For further details please contact the Headmaster’s PA, Mrs Byrne, on 01823 328210 or at Information and competition rules are available on the King’s College website;