A new police station for Taunton at Deane House

Want to become a councillor?

Local people are being encouraged to find out more about becoming a councillor for the new Somerset West and Taunton Council at information days being held this month.

The new council will be formed on 1 April, with 59 councillors representing 36 wards. Elections to the new Council will be held on 2 May 2019.

In preparation for this Taunton Deane Borough and West Somerset Councils are hosting two events open to anyone interested in becoming a councillor, regardless of experience.

The sessions will take place at:

  • West Somerset House, Williton, at 10am on 16 February
  • Deane House, Taunton, at 2pm on 23 February

The events will focus on the practicalities of being a councillor, and give an opportunity for members of the public to discover exactly what that entails first hand from several serving councillors.

Chief Executive James Hassett will be speaking at both events which will also be attended by key council officers including staff from the electoral services team.

They will also outline the background to the new council, how local authorities operate and how the democratic process works.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask any questions they have about what the role of a councillor involves and how to stand for election.

James Hassett, Chief Executive for TDBC and WS Councils, said: “This is the perfect opportunity for anyone wishing to represent their community on the new Somerset West and Taunton Council. We are looking for councillors who
can bring energy and commitment to the new council. Anyone elected for the first time will be given all the training and support they need.”

To be eligible to stand for election, applicants must be:
– 18 or over
– and a UK, EU or Commonwealth Citizen,
– and either be registered to vote on the current register with the local council
– or have either worked or lived in the council’s area for one year
– or have been an owner or tenant of any land or premises in the council’s area for one year.

To support the event the Council has produced a short guide which is available on the TDBC website.

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