Victims of crime and anti-social behaviour within Avon and Somerset are being asked to share their views about support services.
Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner has responsibility for awarding £1.3 million of support contracts for victims of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Police and Crime Commissioner Sue Mountstevens said: “Effective support services are central to enabling victims to cope and recover. I will be working hard to explore opportunities around the commissioning of services which meet the needs of our most vulnerable, put victims at the heart of everything they do and support the wider policing effort.
“I remain committed to improving victim satisfaction and giving a greater voice to victims over the services they receive. It’s important we take the time to reflect on the improvements made to services for victims so far, but to use this as an opportunity to ensure the services continue to meet the needs of our communities.”
The current external contracts and grants will expire next year and the services which are being re-commissioned from April 1, 2019, are:
- An Emotional Support Service for adult victims of any crime or ASB
- A Vulnerable Adults Service for adult victims of any crime or ASB
- A Young Victims Service for victims of any crime or ASB up to the age of 18 (or 25 where there are additional needs)
- An Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) Service
- A Restorative Justice Service for victims of any crime or ASB
- Contribution to local specialist provision for victims of Modern Slavery
- NEW – A small fund for providers to work together and support prevention and early intervention work.
Tonic, an independent research organisation has been asked to ensure local victims and survivors have their voice heard on what is important to them, shaping the future of victim services.
Victims can have their by sharing their views via a confidential and anonymous survey
The engagement concludes on June 3, 2018.