Members of the public are being asked for their experiences of crime and anti-social behaviour in Taunton as part of a Council-led review.
The Council’s Scrutiny Committee set up a Task and Finish Group to take a broad look at the issues and identify possible solutions. It wants to hear about people’s experiences and perceptions of crime and anti-social behaviour in the town centre, and the neighbouring urban area, for consideration at a Councillor-led meeting on 19th February 2019.

Cllr Ian Morrell, who is Chairman of the Group, said: “We are all suffering problems due to crime and anti-social behaviour in Taunton. The public deserves better. We are therefore keen to engage with the public in order to ensure a safe environment for people to live, shop and trade. Experiences will prove invaluable in helping us to scrutinise organisations whose role it is to protect us.”
The Group would like to hear responses on three questions, which can be submitted to or by post to Democratic Services, Taunton Deane Borough Council, Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE:
The Questions –
1) Have you been affected by crime and ASB in Taunton town centre?
2) Does crime and ASB effect how often you come into Taunton town centre?
3) Which crime and ASB issues in particular do you feel are the biggest problem?
The answers will be considered along with other evidence from organisations including town centre businesses, the police, community and voluntary organisations.
The review is taking a broad look at the issues and their impact on residents, retailers, hospitals, shoppers and visitors. It is running independently of the Streetwise multi-agency effort, which has been established to minimise the causes and problems of rough sleeping, begging and anti-social behaviour.
The Streetwise partners who include the Council, the Police and health services have been working with individual rough sleepers to identify and address the issues of concern and develop a joined-up service to help them break the cycle of homelessness and addiction.
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