A local election hustings has been organised and climate change is top of the agenda.
The hustings are being hosted at Richard Huish College at 7pm on Monday 1st April and entry is free of charge. You can register in advance here http://bit.ly/SWAT100 or simply just turn up on the night.
An independent chair, Chris Hutchinson, will ensure each panelist gets a say. This is a valuable opportunity to get to know your political representatives so that you can vote wisely on May 2nd.
The event will be a BBC ‘Question Time’ style hustings so that the main parties can be questioned on a range of environmental issues, including energy, climate change, food, recycling and public transport, cycling and future car use.
The event is being jointly organised by Taunton Green Parents and Taunton Transition Town.
Gemma Hodges of Taunton Green Parents said; “Over 600 people joined our Facebook group in a matter of weeks, showing the deep concern among families about the need to respond to pressing environmental issues. We hope through the hustings to bring the environment to the centre of thinking when the new council takes full control in May.”
“We are extremely pleased that five of the main political local groupings will be represented with a very strong panel, as follows. Councillor John Williams (Leader of the current Council, Conservative), Councillor Frederica Smith (Liberal Democrat), Councillor Dave Mansell (Green Party), Bob Rawle (prospective Councillor Labour) and Councillor John Hunt (independent).”
If you wish to ask a question of the panel relating to environmental issues, please email tauntontransition5@gmail.com. The deadline for questions is 25th March.
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