Local businesses and charities across Somerset are being reminded there is not much time left to enter the 2019 Somerset Business Awards.
Businesses have until 9 August to enter the awards, which are organised annually by the Somerset Chamber of Commerce. They are free for all Somerset businesses to enter, not just Chamber members, while the prestigious awards themselves have a completely newlook, website and logo.
To mark the 15th anniversary of the awards there are also a trio of new categories – Employer of the Year, Private and Public Collaboration and Outstanding Achievement – plus a new black and gold logo and completely redesigned website.
Somerset cricket all-rounder Peter Trego will host the glittering awards ceremony, which will take place at the Winter Gardens Pavilion, in Weston-super-Mare, on 25 October, with support from main sponsor Albert Goodman Chartered Accountants.
Stephen Henagulph, Chief Executive of Somerset Chamber of Commerce, thanked local businesses for sponsoring the 14 award categories. He said: “The Somerset Business Awards celebrate everything that is great in the county and
covers so many sectors across a wide range of categories.”
“This year is the 15 th year of the Somerset Business Awards – we’ve got a new look and will be holding the grand final at the Winter Gardens Pavilion in Weston-super-Mare for the first time. I would encourage all businesses to have a go and enter the awards to share their own success stories and celebrate their achievements.”
Award applications must be made online through the Somerset Business Awards website at
Judging will take place at the beginning of September and all finalists will feature in individual films which are shown on the awards night to around 400 guests. Winners receive a certificate and handmade trophy.
More information about the awards is available on the website at
www.somersetbusinessawards.org.uk, while updates are also posted on the official awards
Twitter account @SomBizAwards.
The 2019 award categories and sponsors are:
- Albert Goodman Family Business of the Year (Albert Goodman)
- Best Use of Technology (Porter Dodson)
- Small Business of the Year (TDA)
- Medium Business of the Year (BT)
- Large Business of the Year (PKF Francis Clark)
- Charity of the Year (Clarke Willmott)
- Employer of the Year (Elite Staffing Solutions)
- Investing in Somerset (Hinkley Point C)
- New Business of the Year Award (Teapot Creative)
- Outstanding Achievement (Weston College)
- Private and Public Collaboration (Wessex Reserve Forces & Cadets Association)
- Service Excellence (Brook Financial Management)
- Somerset Manufacturer and Producer Award (Bibby Financial)
- Young Business Employee of the Year (Clarks International)
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