Over the weekends of 8/9, 15/16, 22/23 and 29/30 September the link road across the Musgrove Park Hospital site is being resurfaced so there may be some disruption and delays in accessing the site.
Car parking will also be limited on 15/16 and 22/23 September so please allow additional time if you are visiting or have an appointment on those days.
- Phase 1 takes place on 8/9 September and will involve a total closure of the link road between the Parkfield Drive entrance and Wellington Road entrance. During this time the only way to access the hospital site will be via the Parkfield Drive entrance. All hospital car parks will be open as usual.
- Phase 2 takes place on 15/16 September and will mean traffic lights will control flow between the Parkfield Drive entrance and the Day Surgery Centre. During this time the Duchess 2 car park will be closed so please do not park there overnight on Friday 14 September. Please park in the Cedars multistorey car park instead.
- Phase 3 takes place on 22/23 September and will also mean a traffic light system will be in place, this time between Day Surgery and maternity reception. During this time the Cedars multistorey car park and Duchess 1 car park (opposite multistorey) will be out of action so please park in the Duchess 2 car park instead. Again, please do not park in the multistorey car park or Duchess 1 car park overnight on Friday 21 September.
- Phase 4 takes place on 29/30 September and will mean the section between maternity reception and the mortuary will be under traffic light control. However, this work won’t affect any car parks, all of which will be open as normal.