‘We want your nominations to recognise those who go above and beyond in policing’ is the message from Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Sue Mountstevens and Chief Constable Andy Marsh, as they launch this year’s Be Proud Awards.
Do you know of an award winning policing team? Has a police officer, member of staff or volunteer made a life changing difference to you? If so, now is your chance to nominate them for a Be Proud Award at www.beproudawards.com.
The Be Proud Awards highlight the very best of Avon and Somerset Constabulary, acknowledging and rewarding the dedicated officers, staff and volunteers for their hard work in ensuring the communities of Avon and Somerset are safe and feel safe.
PCC Sue Mountstevens said: “I’m delighted to open nominations for this year’s Be Proud Awards. As your PCC, it’s important I hear from you about how your policing service is helping to keep you safe, supporting victims and bringing offenders to justice. I also know how much your kind words mean to those you nominate.
“These awards invite local people to nominate policing teams, officers, members of staff, special constables, specialist operations and volunteers. Over 200 people took the time to nominate individuals from across Avon and Somerset last year and I hope we receive even more nominations this year.”
The awards recognise the outstanding work of our policing service in the following categories: Neighbourhood Officer of the Year, Response Officer of the Year, Investigator of the Year, Police Staff Member of the Year, Police Support Volunteer of the Year, Special Constable of the Year, Specialist Operations Award and Policing Team of the Year.
Chief Constable Andy Marsh said: “These Be Proud awards are a chance to publically recognise the great work that goes on across Avon and Somerset to support victims and bring offenders to justice. It makes me feel very proud, when our communities take the time to highlight members of their policing service.
“Officers and staff continue to tell me that they’re ‘just doing their job’, but I can see the shine in their eyes when they’re recognised for doing the job that they love. It’s been challenging times for policing and that’s what makes this public thank you, to those who keep us safe and feeling safe more important than ever.
“The examples of those making a difference in our communities at last year’s awards was very humbling. I hope local people will once again take the time to nominate this year.”
The closing date for nominations is January 27, 2018. Hardcopy nomination forms are also available in police stations, local community buildings and on request please call 01275 816377.
After this date an independent panel will select winners across the policing areas and an awards ceremony will be held on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at Cadbury House Hotel, where an overall winner for each category will be announced.
The Be Proud Awards are only possible thanks to the support of our proud partners. If you would like to sponsor the event please email amber.foreman@avonandsomerset. police.uk.