A major engineering scheme to resurface a busy road near Durston on the outskirts of Taunton is being planned for next month.
A 1.7-mile section of the A361 from Walford Cross to the Sedgemoor border is showing signs of deterioration and was put forward for surface dressing earlier in the year. However, it was decided to defer this in favour of a more substantial resurfacing scheme which is now being planned.
A number of options are being considered but it is likely that a road closure will be necessary to safely and efficiently carry out the work.
Work is proposed to start on Monday 19 February and take around three weeks, with the road closed during working hours (approximately 7.30am to 6.30pm).
Councillor John Woodman, Somerset County Council’s Cabinet Member for Highways, said: “We’ve looked closely at this stretch of road and it’s clear that full resurfacing is the way to go to provide lasting benefits.
“We recognise that it’s a busy road and this will cause some short-term disruption, so are publicising our intentions as early as possible so people can plan ahead. Please take note of the proposed dates and come and speak to us asap if you have any concerns.”
You can contact Somerset County Council about these plans by calling 0300 123 2224 or emailing countyroads-tdeane@somerset.gov.uk. You can also stay up to date with this and other roadworks schemes by following @TravelSomerset on Twitter or visiting www.travelsomerset.co.uk.