Richard Huish College students will be celebrating today after an incredibly successful year of A Level and Vocational results.
The Class of 2018 achieved an A* to B pass rate of 51%, and an A* to C pass rate of 76%. The overall A Level pass rate is again an outstanding 99%.
Huish students did extremely well with 71 students gaining three or more A/A*grades, with 10 of these gaining three or more A* grades. The highest achiever gained five A Level results comprising of 5 A* grades and an A* grade in Extended Project Qualification. A further two students achieved 4 A Level grades comprising of 4 A*s and 3 A* and a distinction* respectively.
Students achieved a 100% pass rate in the majority of subjects. Particularly impressive were the A* – B grades for Further Mathematics (85%), Music (88.9%), Economics (76.5%) and English Literature (74.2%). Notable also are the A* – C grades for Classical Civilisation (93.5%), Geology (96.6%), Drama (89.3%) and Mathematics (80.9%).
Outstandingly, 100% of the College’s vocational students passed their courses with an impressive number of these being 3 distinction* grades (equivalent to 3 A* at A Level). Across all Vocational Extended Diplomas, 78% of grades achieved was a distinction*. For the fourth year running all students studying Vocational IT (Extended Diploma) achieved distinction* or distinction grades (equivalent to A* and A at A Level). Also this year, all 13 students on the Vocational Health Science (Extended Diploma) achieved 3 distinction* grades. A fantastic achievement for these students and their teachers.
Once again the Richard Huish College Class of 2018 has managed to significantly surpass national averages at A Level and equivalent qualifications. College Principal, John Abbott said: “This year the majority of subjects have been examined under the linear A Level framework and I am immensely proud of the hard work our Huish students put into preparing for these examinations.”
“As one of the country’s highest performing sixth form colleges, and one of the best in the South West, these results show that we are the best place to study locally in the face of rigorous A Level examinations. Of course, our students’ achievements begin with the efforts of our partner schools and are consolidated by the commitment, work and expertise of college staff.”