Clients and staff at the Halcon Centre welcomed students from Norway into their Taunton home.
The students have been in the UK for a month and have spent three days a week at the Taunton respite centre for adults with physical disabilities. Clients at the respite centre welcomed the new faces into their home and have enjoyed learning about Norwegian traditions and culture.
To thank the Halcon Centre for their time, a Norwegian day was held on 9th February, and the students made a traditional cake for everyone to enjoy. A lunch of salmon, potatoes and vegetables was served, which is similar to a traditional Norwegian lunch.
Once lunch was finished, everyone tucked into the cake and enjoyed listening to a traditional celebration song ‘Hurra For Deg’, which was performed by the students and teachers.
Speaking on the visiting students, Kevin Mellor, Halcon Centre Manager, said: “It’s been great having the students here three days a week. The clients have really enjoyed meeting them and having them support with activities and hobbies. I would like to thank the students for coming to Halcon and spending their time in the UK getting to know everyone here.”
Photograph: Clients, staff and the students.