Taunton Deane Borough Council is encouraging all Council Tax payers to participate in a consultation on its Council Tax Support scheme.
Council Tax Support (CTS) is a means-tested discount scheme to help council tax payers on a low income to pay their council tax.
Currently, about 7,000 households claim CTS. Of these, approximately 3,700 are of working-age. CTS for pension age council tax payers will remain protected which means their discount of up to 100% support will not be affected by any changes.
Every year the Borough Council is required to set a CTS scheme for the year ahead.
The consultation which runs for eight weeks from Monday (3 July), will ask people to comment on a proposal to introduce a simpler banded discount scheme that will be easier for residents to understand as well as reducing administration costs.
Residents will also be asked for their views on options to keep the current CTS scheme, but reduce the scheme’s cost by decreasing support for working age people.
As well as CTS, the Council offers a Discretionary Reduction in Council Tax Scheme for those who demonstrate exceptional financial hardship or exceptional personal circumstances that justify a reduction or waiver of their Council Tax bill. This aims to offer short term help, and awards are made case by case.
Richard Parrish, Executive Councillor for Corporate Resources said: “Everyone liable to pay Council Tax pays for the CTS scheme through their Council Tax payments. Therefore, it is important to get the views of all Council Tax payers whether or not they receive CTS. Any changes to the scheme will directly affect working-age households receiving CTS now or in the future so it is important that residents have all the information needed to provide informed answers.”
The background to the consultation and information about the CTS Scheme is available : HERE
People can respond to the consultation by completing and returning the questionnaire to: Corporate Business Support, Taunton Deane Borough Council, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton TA1 1HE; or complete the form on-line: HERE