A leading Somerset charity based in Taunton opened it’s doors on Saturday June 23rd with it’s family fun and open day.
The Conquest Centre at Bishop’s Lydeard attracted some 620 visitors within the first 3 hours and a fantastic £1900 was raised.
The day was a huge success and consisted of fun for children and their families with such attractions as a fun dog show, bouncy castles, games, stalls and much more.
Staff and volunteers, friends and family generously provided their time and worked tremendously hard prior to the event.

Rhoda Groody – Conquest Centre Community Fundraiser said; “Our aim for the day was not only to raise vital funds for Conquest but to unveil our services to the wider community. As a centre and local charity, we find many people are still unsure of how we can help. Fundamentally we provide horse related activities for people with disabilities and additional needs. However, we deliver these activities in an inclusive environment which welcomes our whole community, embraces the family and engages with nature. We also have many other independent services on site.”
If you would like to know more about Conquest Centre visit their website. www.conquestcentre.org.uk
Conquest Centre is dedicated to providing a range of equine activities for adults and children with a wide range of abilities.